Sunday, October 30, 2016

Third & Final Fall Speaker Event

It has been a great year for the museum's Fall Speaker Series! We have hosted a presentation on the history of the westward trails through Nebraska, entitled "To Live and Die on the Plains", as well as a presentation given by the Executive Director and Assistant Director of this museum on the "Patents & Inventions of Nebraska City." Both lectures had great turnout and we are hoping to have a big audience for  our third event coming up next Saturday.

The third and final event of the 2016 Kregel Windmill Factory Museum Fall Speaker Series will be held November 5th, 2016 at 7 p.m. here in the front lobby of the museum in downtown Nebraska City. This presentation will be given by Mary Kay Quinlan, an associate professor of journalism at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and is called "A Centennial History of the Cushman Motorworks." In keeping with the theme of our last presentation on the history of inventions, patents, and manufacturing history, this lecture will cover the history of a prolific manufacturer of motorized equipment out of Lincoln, NE. The Cushman Motorworks built a variety of models over the years including the Eagle scooter, the Model 53 (or Cushman Airborne), and the Truckster (used by institutions like stadiums and the NYPD). 

Come join us for the final lecture of the year and learn about another great Nebraska institution!

May Your Blades Always Catch the Wind!